CDA College Pafos
CDA College Pafos

Internal Regulations

Academics > Internal Regulations

Internal Regulations

The proportion of representatives in the College Board of the College of its different components (owner, teaching staff and students).

In the College, there is a Committee which represents the owner of the college, the teaching personnel and the students of the college. The Committee is consisted by the director or his representative, the deputy director, two members of the senior personnel, two members of the academic personnel and two members of the Students Union.

Duties and Responsibilities

 To decide the policy to be pursued by the College.

  • To appoint the Director.
  • To appoint the Finance Director.
  • To establish and dissolve such other Committees or Councils, and their constitution as the Board deems necessary to fulfil the objectives of the College or the requirements of statute.
  • To secure the financial resources to support the goals and policies of the College.
  • To receive and act upon, as necessary, reports of the Academic, Administrative, Disciplinary and Finance Committees.
  • The Board shall meet not less than twice per academic year.

THE GENERAL DIRECTOR (Executive Officer- Administration)

 Will be directly responsible to the Chairman and shall assist him in the administration of the College.

He will chair those committees assigned to him from time to time, and shall undertake such other duties and responsibilities as assigned to him.


 Shall be appointed by and shall be responsible to the General Director.

  • Organization, manage and supervision of All the College Programs of Studies in Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca and Pafos.
  • Preparation/update Course Syllabi and ECTS for MBA, BA,
  • Supervise/review the standard of the Final Exams, of all the programs.
  • Member of the Committee to recruit new professors for all the programs of studies
  • Management/Coordination and Provide guidelines to all instructors
  • Observation/Evaluation of all MBA, BA, and Office Administration professors in all towns Update MBA, BA, Self-Study Report
  • Responsible for the edition and publication of the College Research Journal “the Cyprus Facts”
  • Director of the Students newspaper “the College Views” edition and publication
  • Preparation of the material necessary for the Accreditation of MBA, and BA programs.
  • Meetings with the Ministry technical committee for programs registration approval in all towns.
  • Organizing, supervising and participating in all the Accreditations.
  • Act as Internal Examiner of all the programs at CDA College


 The Principals shall be full time members of the Faculty,

  • appointed by the General Director and responsible to him the academic and    administrative operation of the Precinct. 
  • They will perform any other duties assigned to them.


 The Finance Committee shall operate under the Chairmanship of the Financial Director.

The membership of the Committee shall be as decided by the Board at Governors, but as all times shall include:

  • The Finance Director
  • The Chairman of the College
  • A member of the Governors


 The Committee shall be responsible to the Board of Governors for:

  • the financial stability of the College
  • the preparation of an annual budget and its subsequent control
  • the financial support necessary for the proper operation of the programmes of study
  • the operation of the accounting system within the College and its annual audit
  • the terms of contracts and conditions of employment of staff the remuneration and other benefits of the staff

THE HEAD OF DEPARTMENT (Course Coordinator)

 Shall be a full time staff member

  • A Department shall be managed by a Head of Department who shall be appointed by the General Director be responsible to him for the efficient management of the Department.
  • ensuring that the operational details of the College’s course are known to the appropriate personnel, and that the requirements of particular courses are efficiently integrated into the College’s affairs.
  • He will also be expected to provide academic leadership for the members of faculty in the Department and shall be responsible for the maintenance of academic standards.
  • The Head of the Department will also consider such other College’s committees as Appropriate and will be involved in the admission process,
  • Shall consider the efficient operation of that program of study
  • produce annually for submission to the Academic Program Committee, an evaluation of the course, with particular reference to the assessment process
  • consider such other matters are referred to it by the Academic Program Committee.
  • produce, annually to the Director an evaluation of the past year operation of the program.
  • consider such other matters as are referred to him by the Director.

Students of both genders are entitled to be registered at the college, either Cypriots or foreigners without discriminating on the race, colour or religion. Any student who wants to register at the college must be a holder of a Higher Secondary School leaving Certificate or of an equivalent degree. The College accepts registration forms from all graduates of a six grade public or private institution of Higher Secondary School, regardless of the final graduation grade. 

The language of instruction at C.D.A. College is both Greek and English depending on the Program of Study. For enrolment in English Speaking Programs of Study, students must  provide evidence of proficiency in the English language. 

The following are considered acceptable proofs:

  • A score of at least 500 (Paper-Based Score) or 173 (Computer-Based Score) on the TOEFEL test.
  • A grade of “C” or higher in the GCE/IGCSE “O” level English Language examination.
  • An average grade of 5.5 in the IELTS examination.

If an applicant fails to provide acceptable proof of his/her English proficiency he/she will be required to take the College English Language Placement Test before registration.  Students who fail the English Language standards of the College will be required to take English Foundation courses.

Foreign students are accepted on a full-time condition and are obliged to be present at the examinations organized by the College. The Registrar is responsible for all admissions at the College.

Discipline, Rights and Obligations.

 Rights and obligations of the students.


  • The students are entitled to attend classes after settling his/her registration.
  • The students are allowed to take part in the committees in which they are elected in.
  • The students are allowed to meet and discuss any possible problems with their professors.
  • The students are allowed to take part in written examinations if they have settled their duties.
  • The students are allowed to belong in a student organization of their choice, to elect and to be elected and to elect their representatives for the Council and the Committees of the College.
  • The students are entitled of a student identity card, which is published by the College


The student must obey the regulations of the College and behave according to the behaviour code as it is formed by the College. The student must respect the institutions and the personal freedom of the others.

In detail,

  • The students must show academic integrity and try avoiding behaviour, such as intrigue of any kind (cheating, plagiarism, forgery, or falsification of documents etc.).
  • Attendance is obligatory and for every absence from the classroom, a written note must be brought to the College. The students can ask to justify their absences from the classroom, only if there is a good and liable reason (sickness or any other serious reason), which must be properly certified.
  • Absence from the classroom, excused or not, does not mean that the student is exempted from his academic or any other duties.
  • The students who are absence for a long period of time without justifying their absence, they are reported to the Head of the Program of Study and then he/she reports the Principal of the College, who with his turn takes all the necessary measures (inform the parents or guardian, and sent to the Disciplinary Committee etc). The Students are warned about the consequences and in the case of an excessive number of unexcused absences, the Disciplinary Committee can decide the termination of their study in the College.
  • The final decision on whether an absence is considered excused or not is up to the Management of the College.
  • Examinations are compulsory for all students.
  • The students who are absent from the final written or oral exam, because of an illness or of any other serious reason, must justify their absence on time by providing an excused note either from a doctor or any other documentation which can justify their absence.
  • The students must respect and obey the regulations of the Republic of Cyprus. The College reports cases which violate the laws and regulations.
  • Constant absences of foreign students are reported to the Immigration Bureau of the Republic of Cyprus.
  • A student must respect the property of the College.
  • The students must be consequent to their duties and act responsibly at all times.
  • The students must pay their fees and other payments at the determined dates by the College.
  • The students who delay to pay their tuition fees or any other fees, it is possible that the College will prohibit them from attending the exams, or even be suspended from the College.
  • Attendance of classes is compulsory.
  • The students are obliged to attend-when asked to- any lectures or seminars which are organized by the College.
  • The students must read the announcements, which are placed on the notice boards, in order for them to be informed of all the news of the College and their duties.
  • The attitude of the students towards the professors, the College staff and their classmates must be polite and discrete.
  • The students must respect the property of the College and they are responsible for any damage they cause.
  • The students must arrive at the College 5 minutes before the beginning of class. Students who come late constantly would not be permitted to enter the classroom.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in all teaching classrooms and generally in all the closed places of the College. Smoking is allowed only in the specified area in the cafeteria of the College. 

A student is considered violating the regulations of the College when the above regulations are not applied and:

  •  A student’s attitude causes problems in the classroom.
  • A student’s attitude causes problems to the management of the College.
  • A student’s causes damages to the property of the College.
  • A student denied leaving the College’s property when ordered by a member of the academic or management staff.
  • A student’s attitude is considered a problem in the function and authority of the College as well to activities of the members of the College.
  • A student does not follow the regulations of good conduct.

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