CDA College Research Centre Aristotelis is an autonomous, non-for-profit research organization based in Cyprus that was established to provide an independent platform for researchers across the island. CDA College aims at excellence in research and is fully committed to developing and promoting research activity. Research both pure and applied, being an essential academic activity is an integral part of CDA College’s mission. Research and advancement of knowledge as intellectual activities, are an integral part of our educational environment that fosters innovation and enthusiasm for excellence. Research at CDA College is concentrated in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pure and Applied Sciences, Marketing, Economics and Management and other emerging global issues.
Our Mission is to enhance theoretical and empirical research, to develop solutions and guide thinking to current and future problems, and create new knowledge taking into consideration leading-edge technology and socio-economical developments globally. As a research team we aim for higher achievements both internally as an academic institution, and externally in the public and private sector. Thus, our current and future research projects cover areas that sustain quality of life and performance and contribute to a better implementation and monitoring of improvements and changes.