CDA College Pafos
CDA College Pafos

Aristotelis Research Center

Research > Aristotelis Research Center

CDA College Research Centre Aristotelis is an autonomous, non-for-profit research organization based in Cyprus that was established to provide an independent platform for researchers across the island. CDA College aims at excellence in research and is fully committed to developing and promoting research activity. Research both pure and applied, being an essential academic activity is an integral part of CDA College’s mission. Research and advancement of knowledge as intellectual activities, are an integral part of our educational environment that fosters innovation and enthusiasm for excellence. Research at CDA College is concentrated in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pure and Applied Sciences, Marketing, Economics and Management and other emerging global issues.

Our Mission is to enhance theoretical and empirical research, to develop solutions and guide thinking to current and future problems, and create new knowledge taking into consideration leading-edge technology and socio-economical developments globally. As a research team we aim for higher achievements both internally as an academic institution, and externally in the public and private sector. Thus, our current and future research projects cover areas that sustain quality of life and performance and contribute to a better implementation and monitoring of improvements and changes.

C.D.A. College Research Team

Aristotelis Research Center Policies

Research Policy

• CDA College has established a formal research policy which will enhance the research quality and education standards at CDA College.
• CDA College has established a research department and it will be supervised by the head of the business department.
• All the Lecturers should undertake research each year and the research department will keep records for each research output.
• Lecturers will get teaching hours off for the research undertaken.
• An amount paid for a complete research is based on the research length and quality.
• Additionally lecturers will get extra payment if they entered into EU Funding Research Projects.
• Encourage lecturers to participate to seminars and all expenses paid by the college.
• To established collaborations with research centres abroad.
• Have set formal policy and all the CDA lecturers by department will meet twice per semester so as to organise the future research projects.
• Have agreed that the Lecturers of all CDA campuses to undertake a group research in a different specialization areas.
• Based on the research evidence records of the Research Department of each year, lecturers with research output and publications will get a reward, promotion and remuneration increase.

The Objectives

1. To promote, support and conduct academic research with equal opportunities for all members of the academic staff, innovation and critical study that interrelated with the educational mission and the work of the C.D.A College activities.

2. To promote competition and excellence in research activity equal treatment articles and research areas in collaboration with domestic and international organizations, to enhance the expertise of the Research Team of C.D.A College.

3. To promote research identity of C.D.A College and develop partnerships with universities and business promotion centers for wider participation and complicity in the European Research Area and participation in research programs covering issues that contribute to the social, economic and technical developments for the benefit of the society in Cyprus and abroad.

4. To cooperate with other organizations, public and private institutions, professional bodies, academic and research institutions, and society in general, which can be accomplished in many ways and at many levels in order to cultivate friendship and peaceful coexistence with other people, which will be the foundation for progress and development.

5. To develop, transfer or apply innovative practices in organizational level, but also at local, regional and national level and to participate in several EU research action plans in all sectors of education and training.

6. To approach business organizations operating in disciplines and fields which are correlated to C.D.A College on research aspects such as: a) the intention / ability of student placement b) to identify the need to provide specialized consulting services and c) the development of partnerships involving joint research programs.

7. To perform such activities to be supportive, auxiliary or ancillary to the above purposes.

Academic Freedom

C.D.A. College adheres in principle to the American Association of University Professor’s
Statement on Academic Freedom and it is its policy to defend academic freedom against any encroachment. The College, as a centre of learning, depends upon the free search for truth and its free exposition. The College has adopted the following statement on academic on academic freedom

Faculty members of C.D.A. College are entitled to full freedom in research and in the publication of the results subject to the adequate performance of their academic duties. However, research for pecuniary return needs to be approved by the General Director.

Faculty members are entitled to freedom in the classroom to discuss their subject, but should not introduce controversial material, which has no relation to the subject. The faculty are members of a scholarly profession and officers of the institution. When they speak or write as citizens, they will be free from institutional censorship of discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. As learned and humane folks they should remember that the public might judge their profession and their institution by their utterances. Hence, they will at all times be accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, show respect for the opinions of others, and make effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the institution.

Faculty members who feel that their academic freedom has been infringed may make a written request to the General Director that an investigation is made of their case. The request should set forward in a clear and concise manner the events and circumstances upon which the charge is based. The General Director may refer the question to the Disciplinary Committee.

Authorized Research

Faculty members may receive workload credit if they engage in pre-authorized research. Research must be relevant to the discipline of the instructor, it must be of high quality and publishable, and it must be of reasonable time duration.

Assistance in the College Administration
Faculty members may receive workload credit if they engage in administrative work outside their duties.

Faculty Research & Development Plan

CDA College recognizes that faculty development is to its advantage, as well as to the advantage of its faculty. It is therefore ready to make commitments, financial and otherwise, in support of the objectives of the Faculty Research & Development Plan, which are as follows:

1. Organize special seminars tailored towards the improvement of teaching skills for old/new faculty;
2. Provide material and teaching aids to facilitate better classroom teaching;
3. Encourage faculty to attend appropriate local seminars and workshops.
4. Provide the faculty with the opportunity to continue to stay along with the developments in their area of expertise through actions such as the following:
5. Membership must be recommended by the Deputy General Director and approved by the
General Director.
6. Attendance at local relevant conferences, seminars, lectures, symposia is encouraged and
strongly recommended.
7. Reasonable time off will be provided. The College will subsidize all participation fees for any of the above including any travel, board and lodging expenses. Attendance must be recommended by the Deputy General Director and approved by the General Director.
8. The College will contribute towards relevant expenses. Attendance must be recommended by the Deputy General Director and approved by the General Director.
9. Provide the faculty with the opportunity to improve their academic qualifications through
actions such as: Post-graduate degree (MBA) is offered for free in our College to faculty wishing to attend such programs.
10. Το provide the faculty with the opportunity to engage ίn research and contribute to the
advancement of knowledge in their areas of expertise through actions such as: Research contacted by faculty members will be recognized and will be taken into account at the time the teaching load is divided among faculty members. Research proposals must be submitted to the Deputy General Director and the General Director for approval.
11. The College encourages and supports its faculty members to gain national and international
recognition for excellence in their areas of expertise.
12. In support of the above, the College will cover all reasonable expenses related to travel and lodging (local and interactional) when the instructor is invited to deliver a paper which is the result of research done at CDA College.
13. Faculty members engaged in research supported by a research grant will call for fewer teaching hours than their colleagues so that they can devote time to research.
14. The College will make an effort to subscribe to educational material that is relevant to the basic
areas of interest of its faculty.
15. The College will support faculty members who become active members of professional
organizations and who present lectures of the latest developments in their field of study.
16. The College will continue to establish links with the business community and international
educational institutions. In all these activities, and as appropriate, the College will make every
effort to promote its faculty members and their capabilities.
17. The College will encourage faculty members exchanges with other local or international educational institutions.
18. CDA College has the official ERASMUS Charter since 2013.

The procedure for obtaining workload credit

1. The faculty member must submit an application for workload credit to the Deputy General Director (Academic Affairs & Administration).
2. The Deputy General Director will forward the application together with his/her suggestions to the General Director and
3. The application must be approved by the General Director

Additionally, the College Publishes the “Cyprus Research Facts” our College research journal once a year. The research journal will contribute to the enhancement of the College research, image and prestige. All the CDA faculty staff participate and contribute to the achievement of this great objective. The “Cyprus Research Facts” journal will publishes papers in all areas of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pure and Applied Sciences, Economics, Business, Marketing, Tourism and Management etc. To facilitate the whole process, we have already created an e-mail which is:

Furthermore, the College strongly supports faculty research activities, through financial and other means. The College will also take part to the European and International Research programmes and encourages and supports faculty research activities, attend conferences, seminars, through a reduction of teaching load etc. Every year the College keeps a research report (Faculty Research & Development Booklet) requesting evidence from the teaching staff for their research activities, attendance of seminars and training, teachers exchanging programme etc.

The Research Committee
• The Head of the Research Centre
• The Deputy General Director (Academic Affairs & Administration)
• The Limassol, Larnaca and Paphos Precinct Principal
• The Heads of the Departments
• Three Members of the Teaching Staff

The Final Project (Thesis) Committee (FPC)
• The Director of the Campus (Chairman)
• The Head of the Department
• The Supervisor of the Project
• One Member of the Teaching Staff

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